Monday, January 9, 2012

gong fu

Tradition of GONG FU:

Gong Fu

The service of steeping. Mostly used with Oolongs.

Basic Steps:

Let everyone see the loose leaf tea bits.

Put tea in pot (YeeSheeng Pot which is super absorbent and used for only one tea.) and rinse. Run water over the pot to warm the pot and then in the pot and poor the water out. Pass around and let everyone smell the tea.

Purpose of rinsing the pot-

Practical: Clean out dust fannings.

Symbol: Clear the mind.

The clearer your mind is while steeping, the better your tea will taste.

First steeping: Steep tea for approx. 20 seconds. This steeping is all about smelling the tea (if you over steep within the first steeping, you wont get good steepings after). Pass around for everyone to smell.

Re-steep. Pass around for everyone to taste. Add 30 seconds to each re-steeping.

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